
CASES Diagnostic

  • Department


  • Languages

    DE ; FR ; EN

  • TAGS

    diagnostic ; Risk Assessment

CASES helps you reduce your exposure to IT risks.


Your organisation deals with sensitive data every day. As a data manager, you have specific obligations in relation to data protection. The CASES diagnostic will help you reduce your exposure to IT risks.


Using a dedicated questionnaire, CASES’s experts will:

  • identify vulnerabilities
  • evaluate the level of maturity of the security of your IT systems
  • issue recommendations

The diagnostic can help to:

  • ensure the security of internal data and information about customers
  • ensure that the business complies with the laws of Luxembourg
  • protect the company’s reputation

The diagnostic will help you in both technical and organisational terms. The questions are devised to cover the most frequent information risks in Luxembourg. A CASES expert will visit your company and will ask you the necessary questions while providing you with guidance. This is a good introduction to the information security continuous improvement procedure.

In order to give you the best possible result and recommendation, you should first do a self-assessment with the Fit4Cybersecurity tool.


  • Free, with no commitment – for Luxembourg only
  • Rapid process; questionnaire takes two hours; diagnostic delivered within five working days

Why wait any longer? Take your Fit4Cybersecurity and apply for your Diagnostic CASES afterwards.

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